Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Pope is acting ultra vires


Ultra Vires:

acting or done beyond one's legal power or authority.

The Pope is acting ultra vires.

He does not have the authority to abrogate a Rite that is Holy and was the Rite that sanctified countless members of the Communion of Saints.

One could argue that in trying to abrogate The Real Mass, the collateral damage from the failed attempt will not only concretise the rupture between The 60s Synod and Sacred Tradition but also cause severe damage to the truth of The Communion of Saints.

How could living Catholics be in communion with dead Catholics who were sanctified by The Real Mass when Bergoglio insists the Sacred Rite that sanctified them is the cause of division?

Bergoglio is forcing Catholics to choose between Catholic Tradition and his will.

He should be thanked for forcing that choice on nominal Catholics who must now choose between standing in the light of Tradition and standing in the darkness of Bergoglioism.