Far less than meets the eye

My photo
Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Raider Fan and The Bride revealed

As Founder and Chairman of ABE Ministry * Raider Fan is ofter asked; Hey, Raider Fan, what does The Bride look like?  I hear she is the prettiest girl you ever saw. Is that true?

Well, thanks for asking, and, yes, it is true. Here is a photo of The Bride hanging in a hallway in our camp in Bar Harbor, Maine.

She is the beautiful strawberry blonde wearing a red blouse.

And here is a stop action ** photo of, Raider Fan, as he prepares for another day of shooting the shit which is not as easy as some may think. 

No, one must carefully prepare, wear the right,  and safe, hunting gear and cleverly use camaflouge if one is going to successfully stalk and shoot the shit for today's shit is as shifty as it is shitty and one never knows when a wrong move might flush it.

* Against Basically Everything

** Raider Fan's reaching for the pistol and extracting it from his holster was done so rapidly that if you were watching it in real time, you'd think you were watching a really really fat humming bird with one functioning wing