Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Ammo Dump for militant men seeking to go to war against Markan Priority B.S.

Amateur Brain Surgeon was at the Lil' Licit Liturgy on Sunday when the Presider, Msgr. Benz, boldly proclaimed that St. Mark wrote the first gospel.

It was after that protestant propaganda that he left the ambo and went back behind the table to eye ball us and tell us that the work of human hands * would become for us...and then he ad-libbed that what we offer, ourselves, is what is really important in the sacrifice... (paraphrase).

Frankly, it is hard to remember what he says in the Lil' Licit Liturgy as he adds a lot of his own commentary during the Lord's Supper.

In any event, after the service, ABS stopped on his way out of the gathering space of the community of St. Therese de Lesieux to speak with the Reverend Deacon, Bob.

ABS told Deacon Bob that it was Saint Mathew who wrote first and that he wrote in Hebrew and that it was the prots in Germany in the late 19th century who invented the claim St. Mark wrote first as a way to try and undermine/dissolve the authority of the Catholic Church by claiming the Gospel of Mark did not cite Papal authority as did St Matthew and, thus, Papal authority was a latter development etc etc.

Because Reverend Deacon Bob was formed in the local Palm Beach Diocese Seminary, he has imbibed and memorised all of the recent modernism and cultural marxist bull shite and so he replied...well, form criticism...and scholars say... etc.

It is all such tiresome bull shite and ABS has fired off an few emails to the Pastor of St Therese but nothing will come of it because the VAST majority of  Prelates, Priests, Deacons today have been schooled on what "scholars say" rather that what Catholic Tradition, Church Fathers, and orthodox Ecclesiastical History teaches.

If you find yourself anxious to go to war against this lie, stop by the ammo dumps here and get some bullet points...

* This is that part of the revolutionary new liturgy where the conciliar commies assassinated the Offertory and replaced it with  the corpse of the meal prayer of the Messias-Deniers because nothing says Catholic Tradition more than the meal prayer of those who refuse to accept Jesus as Messias.