Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The anecdotal fallacy as it pertains to Muslim immigration


Use of a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence.

It's often much easier for people to believe their own experience as opposed to understanding the history, philosophy, culture, and the teachings of an alien religion. 

Example: ABS has a friend who was sent the post on immigration that appeared in here a few days ago.

He said he sees no danger in mass immigration because the few Vietnamese he knows personally are nice to him.

Lord have mercy. ABS loves him but he is forever thinking that way as though his personal experience in a nearly all white Maine town in a nearly all white State is nationally normative.

ABS told him that while it was all well and good that he has had warm personal experiences with the pacific Vietnamese he knows, it is quite a bit different when it comes to Mahometans who use immigration as the first phase of the three phases of Jihad.

Anecdotal evidence is a silly way to think about serious problems for there can be no doubt that in the 1930s, some American men had warm personal relationships with Nazi's and Commies but that anecdotal evidence could not form the basis of any rational immigration policy because it neglects both the history of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and their respective political philosophies and praxis.

Mahometan immigration into the west is Jihad.


He also does not agree that America is no longer a nation:

Nation: A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

Does that describe America which is teeming with unassimilable immigrants who do not speak English; who come from completely different cultures than ours; who come from countries with completely different histories, who do not even know the concept of "Rule of Law" to say nothing about valuing it; who wouldn't know the Constitution if it bit them in the ass; and who are members of alien false religions entirely opposed to Christianity?

No, America is not a nation. It is Neo-Yugoslavia, and how'd that diversity turn out for that crummy country?

In 1965, America had a population or roughly 195 million and it has since added 113 million immigrants who do not know or value historical America and have no desire to either know it or preserve it.

Lord have mercy....