Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Holocaust has four sacrificial aspects

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a Holocaust that has four sacrificial aspects to it;

Sacrifice of Homage, offered to His Sovereign Greatness

Sacrifice of Expiation, offered to appease His Justice

Sacrifice of Impetration, offered to implore His bounty

Eucharistic Sacrifice, offered to thank Him for His bounty

The Mass is a Holocaust which the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church offers to God as an offering to His greatness and power; a sacrifice of expiation to appease His Justice/Anger  against us for our innumerable sins; a sacrifice of impetration to solicit His bounty; and a Eucharistic sacrifice offered to Him in thanksgiving for all of His favors.

The Holocaust demands a spirit of humility, the sacrifice of expiation, a spirit of compunction and penitence; the sacrifice of impetration, a spirit of fervor and submission; the Eucharistic sacrifice, a spirit of love and gratitude.

Are these profound, magnificent, and ineffable truths, in all of their solemnity and adult masculine decorum, actualised by The Lil' Licit Liturgy?

No, they are not even hinted at....
