Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Friday Fun

 The Nuclear Family in Nevada

Is there anything more romantically and quintessentially American than a Mother and her Son in Nevada watching a mushroom cloud rise just before the sun goes down ?

Someday, Junior, our President will be able to kill millions of his enemies with just the push of a button. Now, would my little warrior like some mac and cheese?


Yes, Junior...

Since we have been living here we have seen a lot of these mushroom clouds and Binky, my lucky bunny, now has three eyes and five ears and he growls like a mad dog.

Is there any chance that will happen to Dad?

(Mom Giggles)

O, prolly not, Junior. Your Dad is a traveling salesman and he is rarely ever home but if he does come down with something I know it will have nothing to do with these tests our Big Daddy government is  doing to keep us safe and happy.

Now, about that mac and cheese (She giggles as she messes his hair...)