Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Fear of The Jews. Ever ancient, ever new.


ABS dropped a comment at Father Hunwicke's (We must be better Jews) Blog but, as ABS anticipated, it was not published.

The comment dealt with ABS' search for who it was that taught the cop to kneel on the neck of what's his face in Minneapolis (The land of 10,000 races, languages, religions, customs and cultures) and he discovered that for a long time - about a score of years - The ADL has been petitioning Cities/Municipalities to send their cops to Israel to be trained by them and that training consists, of among other things, the kneel-on-the -neck technique, because that is one way the Israeli's control those they hate, Palestinians.

Israeli's treat those locked in the largest open air prison in the world, Gaza, as terrorists and it appears American cops, from many states, are favoring and applying the cruel and hateful techniques favored by the racist Jews.

Well, of course such an expression would not be published by Fr. Hunwicke, even though it is truthful for he fears The Jews and what they could do to him or he loves them so much he will not be critical of them - although he routinely is critical of Pope Francis.

C'est la vie.

