Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The CDC - Center for Disastrous Consequences

The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), launched in 2014, is a global effort to strengthen the world’s ability to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats, whether they are naturally occurring, or accidentally, or intentionally released. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plays a leading role in the implementation of the GHSA for the United States by working with countries to strengthen their capabilities to identify, track, and stop disease outbreaks and public health emergencies as quickly as possible. Because of the nature of infectious diseases, everyone remains vulnerable, including people living in the United States, until every country in the world can rapidly identify and contain public health threats.

OK, The CDC utterly failed in all of its claims of competence and so, of course, Americans are quick to try and comply with each and every absurd CDC recommendation because nothing succeeds like failure.

The CDC did not prevent the Kung Flu.

The CDC did not detect the Kung Flu.

The CDC did not rightly respond to The Kung Flu.

Within the speciality of medicine, The CDC was as effective in preventing, detecting and responding to The Kung Flu as were all of the 666 Intelligence agencies in preventing, detecting and responding to 911.

Was the CDC failure as intentional as were the failures of the intelligence agencies?