Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Systemic Racism is as real as flying unicorns.


The disappearance of official systemic racism has led progressives to adopt what could be construed as political homeopathy.

One remembers that in homeopathy a substance is added to water and then the substance is increasingly and repeatedly diluted by the addition of more water until there is no detectable presence of the original substance and then the treatment is   dispensed to a patient resulting, it is claimed, in an increased effectiveness of the now diluted-into-no-existence substance and this fraud is described as "the law of infinitesimals."

Try the law of infinitesimals during your next cocktail party. Pour one shot of vodka into your bathtub and then drain all but one cup of water and fill the bathtub again. Do that three more times and drain all the water except for one shot of water and that will be much more potent and powerful than the initial shot of vodka.

In the ideology of political progressivism the elimination of official anti black racial categories and laws has putatively increased the presence and power of systemic racism

When you hear anyone blabbering about systemic racism you know you are listening to an ideologue of progressive political homeopathy; i.e. a liar or a lunatic and you are one of those if you believe the insane claims