Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Peyton Manning. Pervert.


Sorry, Mr. Manning. ABE (Against Basically Everything) Ministry has gotten to the bottom of the story. You yelling Omaha before the play has nothing to do with changing a play at the line of scrimmage. 

You yelling Omaha is about your sly praise for a Porn Comic series character. 

  •  Published March 27, 2020
    Updated April 6, 2020
Overlooked is a series of obituaries about remarkable people whose deaths, beginning in 1851, went unreported in The Times.

In the comic book series Omaha the Cat Dancer, Susie Jensen is a tall, curvy anthropomorphic feline stripper with a large bosom and the stage name “Omaha.” She has an on-again, off-again relationship with the equally feline Chuck, a freelance commercial artist whose father is opening an underground strip club. There’s sex, there’s nudity and there’s fur — lots of it.

Omaha was unusual for an erotic comic book in the 1980s. Most “adult comics,” as they were called, were exploitative and emphasized violence, sex or a combination of the two. Omaha was more of a soap opera that included sex.

At the heart of the series was the writer Kate Worley, who gave the comic its distinctive voice and helped cultivate its wide-ranging fan base.

Manning, you cannot be the GOAT because you not only love Porn Comics you repeatedly gave a shout-out to your favorite Porn character on national TV in an NFL game that began with the playing of the National Anthem - the National Anthem for crying out loud...

Have you ever heard Tom Brady publicly praising a character in Porn Comics?


Debate over. 

You ain’t The GOAT.